Best Strains of Marijuana for Anxiety

Anxiety and Marijuana
The majority of people who use marijuana say it helps to relieve them of anxiety. However, there are some people who claim smoking weed makes them more anxious or paranoid. Although no one is completely sure why some people have an adverse reaction, scientists have a hunch.
As most pot smokers know, there are many strains of marijuana available, and many cause the user to feel different. What makes the weed strains different are their cannabinoids, or active ingredients. طريقة لعبة بينجو The two main ones are THC and CBD. Although most marijuana strains contain both compounds, the levels of THC and CBD differ in each strains.
Differences between THC vs. CBD
THC is responsible for the “high” part of marijuana, but evidence has shown is also linked to feelings of paranoia among anxious smokers. THC actives the amygdala, the part of the brain that is responsible for fear. It’s easy to understand how for some people, smoking weed may increase their anxiety.
CBD, however, is believed to counteract the mind-altering effects of THC. In fact, studies have shown that when CBD is taken in isolation, it can lower anxiety in both anxious, and healthy people.
Because so many people smoke weed to feel a euphoric high, marijuana is often cultivated to have a “high” level of THC. However, due to the growing awareness of the anxiety-inducing side effect of THC, marijuana with high levels of CBD are becoming increasing popular. In other words, strains with high levels of CBD are the strains of marijuana that are the best for anxiety.
Overcoming Anxiety with Cannabis
Overall, the best way to avoid anxiety from cannabis boils down to reducing the amount of THC that your bloodstream absorbs.
Studies have shown, that a low-level of THC will reduce anxiety, but knowing where that line is for you, can be challenging. Typically, people who use marijuana often will have a higher threshold, as their tolerance is much higher.
Best Strains of Marijuana for Anxiety
For people who get anxious when they use cannabis, the best way to alleviate this probably is to use strains with a high level of CBD. A breakdown of a strain’s THC and CBD is usually provided where the marijuana sales are governed. Weed and sex can be your natural cure for anxiety! However, below are a few of our favorite dank strains of marijuana for anxiety, that have a high level of CBD. كازينو اون لاين
Strains with high CBD to THC ratios are ideal for alleviating anxiety symptoms. جاك بوت These are typically hybrids or indica strains. Here are three stains that could help:
Charlotte’s Web (20% CBD and 0.5% THC) – Believed to be the highest CBD strain in the world
Avidekel (16.3% CBD and 0% THC)- Developed in Israel to help people with a variety of ailments
Harlequin (16% of CBD and 3% THC)- Has a CBD:THC ratio of 5:2