Alfa Vaporizer Review

Avid vaper users are impressed when they use an Alfa Vaporizer for the first time. شرح لعبه البوكر No one expects a small vape to have such a big punch. However that’s what the Alfa’s like. It is shorter than 4 inches long but can produce a thick cloud of vapor from your most favorite dank.
How it Heats:
The creators of this small rectangular-shaped vape probably felt that heating technology in the vape industry was ready to take to the next level. They tinkered around and came up with three new ways to get your marijuana heated to the perfect temperature.
- Turn the dial to select one of the 3 preset temperatures
- Automatically- the user puffs on the vape and the heat is raised by 5º until there is enough heat to completely vaporize your material
- The oven of the Alfa Vaporizer rises from 374º to 428º over a period of of 20 minutes
These 3 great ways of heating your marijuana ensure that you’re going to get a powerful punch from this small looking vape.
It Runs on a Battery
A Lithium Ion cell is what powers on Alpha vaporizer. This battery is rechargeable and only takes around 2 hours to become fully charged. An added benefit to this vape is that fact that it is wireless- it can go everywhere with you that you want to hang out with Mary Jane.
Small and Light
The tough outside of the Alfa is light, and is yet another reason you will fall in love with this portable vaporizer. Its innovative design can fit in one hand. The outside can get a little warm, but it isn’t too hot to hold.
Buy the Alfa
Overall we really loved the Alfa Vaporizer. It’s a small vape, but it still packs a powerful punch. كازينو في السعودية We did notice that the mouthpiece can get hot after using it for a little bit, so you might want to invest in a longer mouthpiece. Check with the vendor before buying the accessory to make sure it will work with the Alfa. bet365 arab
Remember to pack your herbs tight in the Alfa to get the most out of this portable vaporizer. Most people fill it up around ¾ of the way in most portable, smaller vaporizers so air can circulate. Alfa Vaporizers run about $199, and this includes a mouthpiece and a charger.